Web Development Marketing/ General (521401.7066)
The purpose of this program is to prepare students to successfully acquire the knowledge needed to operate a business marketing campaign. From Managing their paid advertising to designing brochures and print media with photoshop. Candidates will successfully build a website with wordpress and will master the art of selling products online . Students will manage campaigns in facebook’s digital platform and google ads.
Finally student will learn how to edit videos for marketing and recruiting purposes. Includes instruction in buyer behavior and dynamics, principle of marketing research, demand analysis, cost-volume and profit relationships, pricing theory, marketing campaign and strategic planning, market segments, advertising methods, sales operations and management, consumer relations, retailing, and applications to specific products and markets.
This course includes:
Basic computer skills are necessary, Knowing how to log in to google and send emails is a must. If student doesnt know the basic operation of windows operating system. Candidate must apply for a basic computer class before taking this course.
The course duration is 341 class hours
How we Teach?
We will learn by doing, by providing a presentation, and providing the tools to work through the processes presented. Learning Web Development is something best learned by doing and by applying .
In addition we will provide PDF files that can be downloaded and printed. The PDF files allow us a supplemental resource and can be used offline. The PDF files provide us with a hard copy reference to refer back to and something we can use to help explain concepts to others.
All Certification Testing is done in our Campus.
Certifications: Facebook BluePrint,Google Ads,Adobe Photoshop,Wordpress,Adobe
Premiere, Adobe ACA
Please download Full Syllabus from our link below.